Moberg Pharma's Chairman Peter Wolpert becomes CEO of Industrifonden and is therefore not available for re-election
Peter Wolpert, Chairman of the Board since 2019 of Moberg Pharma AB (publ), has informed the Nomination Committee that he has been appointed CEO of Industrifonden starting from March 2022. Peter will complete his current term as chairman of the board but will not be available for reelection at the Annual General Meeting in May 2022.
Peter Wolpert has been CEO of Moberg Pharma since 2006 and became Chairman of the Board in 2019 in connection with the divestment of Moberg’s commercial OTC operations.
"We would like to thank Peter for his valuable contributions to Moberg Pharma as chairman in recent years and previously as CEO of the company. The Nomination Committee will present its complete proposal for a new Board of Directors, including Peter’s replacement, well in advance of the Annual General Meeting", says Gillis Cullin, Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
"Moberg Pharma is a very interesting company. We developed the company from the start to revenues of almost half a billion SEK before the commercial business was divested in 2019. The company's pipeline now includes MOB-015, which builds on previous successes and has demonstrated world-leading ability to cure patients from nail fungus. I look forward to continuing as Chairman until the AGM and to maintain close contact with the company as a major shareholder thereafter," says Peter Wolpert.
The 2021 Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year January – December 2021 will be held in Stockholm on May 16th. In regard to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Moberg Pharma will continue to closely monitor the Public Health Agency of Sweden´s recommendations and inform its shareholders on potential impact of attending the AGM in person.
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to Moberg Pharma’s Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail to info@mobergpharma.se by March 28th, 2022.
For additional information, please contact:
Anna Ljung, CEO, telephone: +46 707 66 60 30, e-mail: anna.ljung@mobergpharma.se
About this information
This information is information that Moberg Pharma AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8.00 a.m. CET on December 6th, 2021.
About Moberg Pharma, www.mobergpharma.com
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) is a Swedish pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing proprietary innovations based on drug delivery of proven compounds. The company’s main asset, MOB-015, is a novel topical treatment for onychomycosis. Data from phase 3 clinical trials in more than 800 patients for MOB-015 indicate that the product has the potential to become the future market leader in onychomycosis. Moberg Pharma has agreements with commercial partners in place in Europe and Japan, among others, and the company's intention is to submit a registration application during the second half of 2021 in Europe. Moberg Pharma is headquartered in Stockholm and the company’s shares are listed on the Small Cap list of the Nasdaq Stockholm (OMX: MOB).