STOCKHOLM, December 12[th], 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB): On Monday the topline results were presented from the first study in the Phase 3 program for MOB-015, where the primary endpoint and the two key secondary endpoints were met. Since the results are somewhat contradictory and the company has received many questions, we want to clarify the various study parameters as well as our view of the current status and next step.
STOCKHOLM, December 9[th], 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) announces that MOB-015 (topical terbinafine) met the primary endpoint as well as key secondary endpoints in the North American Phase 3 study including 365 patients with mild to moderate toenail onychomycosis (nail fungus). At week 52, significantly more patients reached complete cure for MOB-015 than for vehicle (p=0.019), following 48 weeks of daily treatment.
STOCKHOLM, November 29[th], 2019. During November 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has, in accordance with the conversion clause in the Company’s articles of association, reclassified 660,843 series B shares into the same number of ordinary shares. The reclassification entails an increase in the number of ordinary shares and a decrease in the number of series B shares, but does not affect the total number of shares or votes in the Company.
STOCKHOLM, OCTOBER 30th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ)’s (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) Annual General Meeting took place today in the Company’s premises in Bromma. The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s and Board of Directors’ proposals, including a payment to the shareholders of SEK 46.50 for each existing ordinary share.
STOCKHOLM, OCTOBER 30th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ)’s (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) Annual General Meeting took place today in the Company’s premises in Bromma. The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s and Board of Directors’ proposals, including a payment to the shareholders of SEK 46.50 for each existing ordinary share.
STOCKHOLM, October 21st, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has signed a distribution agreement with DongKoo Bio & Pharma Co., Ltd for MOB-015 in the Republic of Korea. Under the agreement DongKoo is granted exclusive rights to market and sell MOB-015 in the Republic of Korea. Moberg Pharma assumes production and supply responsibility.
STOCKHOLM, October 18th, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) implements changes in the management team where Mark Beveridge, VP Finance, reassumes responsibility for the finance function and replaces Sarah Hellerfelt who has decided to leave her position as CFO for the company.
STOCKHOLM, September 30th, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has signed an exclusive license agreement with Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd for development, registration and commercialization of MOB-015 in Japan. Under the agreement, Moberg Pharma is eligible to receive milestones of up to USD 50 million contingent on development and commercial success, as well as supply fees including royalties.
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (reg. no. 556697-7426) (the “Company”) are hereby convened to the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 30 October 2019, at 4:00 p.m. (CET) in the Company’s premises in Bromma, address Gustavslundsvägen 42, 5 tr, 167 51 Bromma (Alviks torg), Sweden.
STOCKHOLM, September 30th, 2019. As previously communicated, Moberg Pharma AB (publ) ("Moberg Pharma" or the "Company"), intends to propose the Annual General Meeting for the abbreviated financial year 2019 to resolve on a payment to the shareholders through redemption of shares. The Board of Directors has now set the proposed redemption amount to SEK 46.50 per share. Moberg Pharma also announces that the Company intends to repay the loan of USD 2.5 million that the Company incurred from the purchaser in connection with the divestment of the Company's OTC-business last spring.
STOCKHOLM, September 19th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) announces that the company’s Nomination Committee has decided to present the following proposal to the Annual General Meeting for the abbreviated fiscal year 2019.
STOCKHOLM, August 22th, 2019 - On August 29th 2019, at 08:00 am (CET), Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) will present its Year-end report 2019. Investors, analysts and journalists are hereby invited to participate in a teleconference at 3:00 pm (CET) on the same date.
STOCKHOLM, July 31st, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB). The number of shares and votes in Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma”) has increased by 488,905 ordinary shares in July 2019. Therefore, there are in total 18,853,510 shares and votes in the company as of July 31st 2019, of which 18,192,667 are ordinary shares and 660,843 are shares of series B.
STOCKHOLM, June 27th, 2019 – The Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting held on May 15th, 2019, to transfer not more than 45,000 of the Company’s ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the transfer is to cover certain costs, mainly social security costs, that may arise in relation to implemented incentive programs.
STOCKHOLM, June 25th, 2019 – In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on May 15th, 2019, the Chairman of the Board has contacted the company’s three largest shareholders or group of shareholders in terms of votes to form a Nomination Committee. These shareholders have been invited to appoint one representative each who, together with the Chairman of the Board, will comprise the Nomination Committee. As not all of the company’s three largest shareholders or group of shareholders have wished to appoint such representative, the fourth largest shareholder/group of shareholders have been invited to appoint one representative and so on until the Nomination Committee now comprises of four members, in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on May 15th, 2019.
STOCKHOLM, May 15th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB’s (“Company”) Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 in the Company´s premises in Bromma, Sweden.
STOCKHOLM, May 7th, 2019 - On May 14th 2019, at 08:00 am (CET), Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) will present its interim report for January – March 2019. Investors, analysts and journalists are hereby invited to participate in a teleconference at 3:00 pm (CET) on the same date.
STOCKHOLM, April 30th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has, in accordance with previously published information, issued 660,843 series B shares. The new issue of series B shares has entailed an increase in the total number of shares and votes in the Company.
Moberg Pharma´s Annual Report for 2018 has been published and is available on www.mobergpharma.com
Note that special circumstances exist whereby all proposals refer to the abbreviated fiscal year January 1 - June 30, 2019. The next Annual General Meeting will take place already during the fourth quarter of 2019.
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (reg. no. 556697-7426) (the “Company”) are hereby convened to the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (CET) in the Company’s premises in Bromma, address Gustavslundsvägen 42, 5 tr, 167 51 Bromma (Alviks torg), Sweden.
STOCKHOLM, April 8th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has a nimbler organization following the divestment of its OTC business, and intends to adapt the leadership accordingly. The Board of Directors and Nomination Committee have therefore proposed the appointment of Anna Ljung as the new CEO of Moberg Pharma, while current CEO Peter Wolpert will transition to a role as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors. At the same time, a new management team is proposed based on the company’s new situation and focus. The organizational changes are contingent on the approval of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Board of Directors elected by the AGM.
STOCKHOLM, April 8th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) announces that the company’s Nomination Committee has decided to present the following proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2019.
STOCKHOLM, April 1st, 2019. On February 12th, 2019, it was announced that Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has entered into agreement with RoundTable Healthcare Partners and Signet Healthcare Partners to divest the entire commercial operation and that the Company intends to redeem its outstanding bonds 2016/2021 with ISIN SE0007953989 (the “Bonds”) in connection with closing of the transaction. On March 29th, 2019, it was announced that closing of the transaction has taken place and the Company will therefore redeem the Bonds in accordance with the terms and conditions for the Bonds.
STOCKHOLM, March 29th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has today completed the divestment of its OTC-business (over-the-counter) to RoundTable Healthcare Partners and Signet Healthcare Partners (the “Purchaser”) for USD 155 million. After the divestment, Moberg Pharma’s remaining business consists of the development and commercialisation of new pharmaceutical products. The transaction enables Moberg Pharma to further focus resources on the pipeline program (MOB-015 in particular) and distribute significant value to its shareholders. The Company intends to use the cash consideration to redeem its outstanding bonds and to distribute approximately SEK 43–45 per ordinary share to its shareholders. In addition, the Purchaser has provided financing to the Company’s remaining business amounting to USD 5 million. The combined value of the transaction equals approximately SEK 78–80 per share, based upon the expected distribution and the Purchaser’s subscription in the Company.
STOCKHOLM, March 22nd, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has completed the recruitment of 452 patients with onychomycosis (nail fungus) for the ongoing MOB-015 phase 3 study in Europe. Two Phase 3-studies are currently underway in North America and Europe with topline results expected in the fourth quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2020 respectively.
STOCKHOLM, March 15th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) (OMX: MOB) today held an Extraordinary General Meeting in the Company’s premises in Bromma. The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved as set out below.
STOCKHOLM, February 4th, 2019. On February 12th, 2019, it was announced that Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) has entered into agreement with RoundTable Healthcare Partners and Signet Healthcare Partners to divest its entire commercial operations. Further information regarding the proposed divestment of the OTC-business has today been published and is available in the form of an information document.
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (reg. no. 556697-7426) (the “Company”) are hereby convened to the Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday, March 15, 2019 at 3.00 p.m. (CET) in the Company’s premises in Bromma, address Gustavslundsvägen 42, 5 tr, 167 51 Bromma (Alviks torg), Sweden.
This year-end report 2018 is made public in advance due to the transaction press release announced earlier today regarding the divestment of Moberg Pharma’s OTC-business.
STOCKHOLM, February 12th, 2019. Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) (OMX: MOB) today announces that it has entered into agreement with a holding company owned by RoundTable Healthcare Partners and Signet Healthcare Partners (the “Purchaser”) to divest MPJ OTC AB and Moberg Pharma North America LLC, which at closing will hold Moberg Pharma’s entire OTC-business, for a cash consideration of USD 155 million (equivalent of SEK 1,431 million[1] (http://connect.ne.cision.com#_ftn1)) adjusted for working capital, resulting in a capital gain of approximately SEK 500 million and multiples of 3.3x sales, as well as 14.1x EBITDA and 11.6x EBITDA for commercial operations. The Company intends to use the cash consideration to redeem its outstanding bonds and to distribute approximately SEK 43–45 per share to its shareholders. In addition, the Purchaser has undertaken to provide financing to the Company with a total amount USD 5 million (equivalent of SEK 46 million), of which half is subscription for newly issued series B shares in the Company, at a price of SEK 35.16 per share, and the remaining half is a loan to the Company with pertaining warrants. The combined value to Moberg Pharma’s shareholders of the transaction equals approximately SEK 78–80 per share, based upon the expected payment to shareholders and Purchaser’s subscription in the Company. The transaction enables Moberg Pharma to further focus resources on the MOB-015 pipeline program and distribute significant value to its shareholders. The transaction is among other things conditional upon shareholder approval at a general meeting in Moberg Pharma.
[1] All equivalent amounts based on a preliminary USD/SEK exchange rate of 9.23. However, the Company will enter into a forward contract or a similar hedging arrangement, securing the exchange rate applicable to the Company per Closing to approximately 9.23.
STOCKHOLM, February 11th, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has signed an exclusive license agreement with Bayer for commercialization of MOB-015 in Europe. Under the agreement, Moberg Pharma is eligible to receive up to EUR 50 million contingent on development and commercial success, as well as supply fees including royalties.
STOCKHOLM, February 5th, 2019 - On February 12th 2019, at 08:00 am (CET), Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) will present its Year-end report 2018. Investors, analysts and journalists are hereby invited to participate in a teleconference at 03:00 pm (CET) on the same date.
STOCKHOLM, January 8th, 2019, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) announces two additions to the Management team; Annica Magnusson, Senior Director Regulatory Affairs, and Gunilla Wengström, Senior Director Sales & Marketing, both with many years in the company.