STOCKHOLM, November 7[th], 2023, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) is strengthening its organization following market approval earlier this year and in preparation for the upcoming launch. The management team is welcoming two new members, Christina Erixon, Head of Pharmaceutical Development & Operations, who is replacing Agneta Larhed, and Robert Ehrl, Head of Supply, who is taking over from Jesper Lind. Both roles have been expanded from part-time consultants to full-time positions.
STOCKHOLM, October 17[th], 2023 – In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on May 16[th], 2023, the Chairman of the Board has contacted the company’s two largest shareholders or group of shareholders in terms of votes to form a Nomination Committee. These shareholders have been invited to appoint one representative each who, together with the Chairman of the Board, will comprise the Nomination Committee. As not all of the company’s two largest shareholders or group of shareholders have wished to appoint such representative, the third largest shareholder/group of shareholders have been invited to appoint one representative and so on until the Nomination Committee now comprises of three members, in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on May 16[th], 2023.
STOCKHOLM, 9 October 2023. Moberg Pharma AB (publ)’s (OMX: MOB) (the “Company”) Extraordinary General Meeting took place today. The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved to approve the Board of Directors' resolution to issue warrants.
STOCKHOLM, October 6[th], 2023, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) has completed the recruitment of 384 patients with onychomycosis (nail fungus) for the ongoing MOB-015 phase 3 study in North America. The aim is to provide a pivotal part of the clinical data set for registration and commercialization of MOB-015 in the U.S.. Topline results are expected in January 2025.
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (the "Company") today announces that the number of shares in the Company has increased to a total of 28,407,452 due to the completion of the rights issue of units, consisting of ordinary shares and warrants of series 2023:1, resolved by the Board of Directors on 28 June 2023 (the "Rights Issue") and due to the completion of the directed issue of units, consisting of ordinary shares and warrants of series 2023:1, to guarantors in the Rights Issue who chose to receive their guarantee commission in the form of units (the "Remuneration Issue").
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ), reg. no. 556697-7426 (the “Company”), are hereby convened to the Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2023 at 09:30 on Advokatfirman Schjødt, Hamngatan 27 in Stockholm.
STOCKHOLM, 13 September 2023. As announced on 8 September 2023, the Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) ("Moberg Pharma" or the "Company") the same day decided that 664,370 units, corresponding to 664,370 ordinary shares and 664,370 warrants of series 2023:1, shall be issued to the guarantors in the rights issue of units resolved upon by the Board of Directors on 28 June 2023 and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 August 2023 (the "Rights Issue") who have chosen to receive their guarantee commission in the form of newly issued units in Moberg Pharma (the "Remuneration Issue"). In the press release that was issued on 8 September 2023, it was stated that the resolution on the Remuneration Issue was made by virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2023. Moberg Pharma today clarifies that the resolution to issue the new ordinary shares in the Remuneration Issue was made by virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2023, while the resolution to issue the warrants in the Remuneration Issue was made conditional on the subsequent approval of the general meeting of shareholders. A notice to an Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2023 containing the proposal to approve the Board of Directors' resolution to issue the 664,370 warrants of series 2023:1 included in the Remuneration Issue will be announced through a separate press release shortly.
STOCKHOLM, 8 September 2023. The Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) ("Moberg Pharma" or the "Company") has today, by virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2023, resolved on a directed new issue of 664,370 units, corresponding to 664,370 ordinary shares and 664,370 warrants of series 2023:1, to the guarantors in the rights issue of units resolved upon by the Board of Directors on 28 June 2023 and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 August 2023 (the "Rights Issue") who have chosen to receive their guarantee commission in the form of newly issued units in Moberg Pharma (the "Remuneration Issue"). The subscription price in the Remuneration Issue amounts to SEK 7.27, which corresponds to the volume-weighted average price of the Company's share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the subscription period in the Rights Issue, and payment is made by set-off of claims.
STOCKHOLM, 1 September 2023. The Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) today announces the outcome of the rights issue of units, consisting of ordinary shares and warrants, with preferential rights for Moberg Pharma’s shareholders (the “Rights Issue”) which was resolved upon by the Board of Directors on 28 June 2023 and approved by an Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 August 2023. The outcome of the Rights Issue shows that subscription with support of unit rights and applications for subscription of units without support of unit rights in total correspond to approximately 130 percent of the units offered for subscription. 16,130,585 units were subscribed for with support of unit rights, corresponding to approximately 92 percent of the Rights Issue. Additionally, applications for subscription of 6,565,433 units without support of unit rights have been received, corresponding to approximately 38 percent of the Rights Issue. Consequently, persons who only applied for subscription of units without support of unit rights will not be allocated units in the Rights Issue. Thus, the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, and no issue guarantors are used. Moberg Pharma will receive approximately SEK 100 million before deduction for transaction costs.
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) announces that the prospectus relating to the Company’s rights issue of units consisting of ordinary shares and warrants (the “Rights Issue”) has been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and is available in Swedish on the Company’s website www.mobergpharma.se/investerare/prospekt and will also be available on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website, www.fi.se.
STOCKHOLM, 8 August 2023. Moberg Pharma AB (publ)’s (OMX: MOB) (the “Company”) Extraordinary General Meeting took place today. The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved as set out below.
STOCKHOLM, 4 August 2023. On 28 June 2023, the Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) (“Moberg Pharma” or the “Company”) announced that the Board of Directors had resolved to, subject to the approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 8 August 2023 (the “EGM”), carry out a rights issue of ordinary shares and warrants (“Units”) with preferential rights for existing shareholders in the amount of approximately MSEK 100 before transaction costs (the “Rights Issue”). The Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma today announces the final terms of the Rights Issue. Existing shareholders in Moberg Pharma as of the record date, 14 August 2023, will receive eight (8) unit rights per one (1) existing ordinary share. Nine (9) unit rights entitle to subscription of two (2) Units in the Rights Issue. Each Unit consist of one (1) ordinary share and one (1) warrant issued without cost. The subscription price is SEK 5.75 per Unit. In addition, the Board of Directors has resolved to withdraw three of the four alternative proposals for amendments to the Articles of Association which the Board of Directors previously had submitted to the EGM.
STOCKHOLM, June 30[th], 2023, Moberg Pharma AB (publ) announced that the total number of common shares in the company has increased to 10,272,933. The 187,000 newly issued shares are held by the company to secure its commitments under incentive programmes.
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ), reg. no. 556697-7426 (the “Company”), are hereby convened to the Extraordinary General Meeting at 8 August 2023 at 14:00 on Advokatfirman Schjødt, Hamngatan 27 in Stockholm.
STOCKHOLM, 28 June 2023. The Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB (publ) (OMX: MOB) ("Moberg Pharma" or the "Company”) has today resolved to carry out a new issue of new ordinary shares and warrants ("Units") with preferential rights for existing shareholders (the "Rights Issue") of approximately SEK 100 million before transaction costs. The Rights Issue is conditional upon approval at an extraordinary general meeting (the "Extraordinary General Meeting"). The net proceeds will mainly be used for clinical and regulatory activities for MOB-015 and preparations ahead of launch. The background to the resolution on the Rights Issue is that MOB-015 is recommended for market approval in 13 European countries and subsequent launch plans, where the launch takes place in two stages. The launch in two stages means that significant expected revenues are postponed and the Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma has therefore decided on the Rights Issue. In addition, the Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma has resolved to change the date for publication of the interim report for the second quarter of 2023 from 15 August 2023 to 3 August 2023.
STOCKHOLM, June 28[th], 2023, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX:MOB) hereby announces that the Decentralized Procedure has ended with a positive outcome and that MOB-015 is recommended for national approval in 13 European countries for the treatment of mild to moderate fungal infections of the nails in adults.
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) today announces that the board of directors exercises authorizations to issue and repurchase C-shares, and converts C-shares to common shares, to secure the company’s commitments under incentive programme.
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) today announces that the total number of shares in the company has decreased to 10,085,933 due to the completion of the previously announced reverse share split. The total number of shares in Moberg Pharma AB (publ) thus amounts to 10,085,933 and total number of votes amounts to 10,085,933 as of 31 May 2023.
Moberg Pharma´s Annual report for 2022 has been published and is available on www.mobergpharma.se
Shareholders in Moberg Pharma AB (publ), reg. no. 556697-7426, (the “Company”) are hereby convened to the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2023 at 16:30 on the Company's premises on Gustavslundsvägen 42, 5[th] floor, 167 51 Bromma.
STOCKHOLM, March 9[th], 2023, Moberg Pharma AB (OMX: MOB) today announces that Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Moberg Pharma terminate the license agreement for development, registration and commercialization of MOB-015 in Japan. Moberg Pharma regains full rights to the product in Japan and retains milestone revenues paid by Taisho.