General shareholders meetings
In accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting is Moberg Pharma’s highest decision-making body. At such meetings, the shareholders exercise their voting rights on key issues, such as the adoption of the statements of comprehensive income and financial position, the distribution of unappropriated income, discharging the Members of the Board and the auditors from personal liability and remuneration of Members of the Board and the auditors. In addition to the AGM, Extraordinary General Meetings may be held. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the official notification of the AGM and Extraordinary General Meetings is to be published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and on the company’s website. Information that the official notification has been issued will be published in Dagens Industri.
Those shareholders who are directly registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than five days prior to the AGM and who have notified Moberg Pharma in the manner specified in the official notification will be entitled to participate in the AGM and to vote for the number of shares they hold.
Shareholders exercise their right to decide on Moberg Pharma’s affairs at the AGM, which must be held within six months of fiscal year-end; Moberg Pharma's AGM is normally held in the beginning of May. The AGM considers several central issues such as adoption of Moberg Pharma’s income statement and balance sheet for the past year, dividend, board and auditor election, discharging the board from liability, and board and auditor remuneration.
The Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year January – December 2024 will be held on May 22nd, 2025. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to Moberg Pharma’s Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail to by April 3rd, 2025.
The Annual General Meeting of Moberg Pharma was held on May 14, 2024 at Advokatfirman Schjødt, Hamngatan 27 in Stockholm.
Notice of AGM
Power of Attorney
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on the implementation of a long-term incentive program
Annual report 2023
Extraordinary General Meeting for Moberg Pharma was held on October 9, 2023 at Advokatfirman Schjødt, Hamngatan 27 in Stockholm.
Notice of EGM
Power of Attorney
Warrant terms for warrants of series 2023:1 (only available in Swedish)
Extraordinary General Meeting for Moberg Pharma was held on August 8, 2023 at Advokatfirman Schjødt, Hamngatan 27 in Stockholm.
Notice of EGM
Power of Attorney
Proposed articles of association under item 7 (a)
Proposed articles of association under item 7 (b)
Proposed articles of association under item 7 (c)
Proposed articles of association under item 7 (d)
The Board of Directors' report according to Chapter 13, Section 6 and Chapter 14, Section 8 of the Swedish Companies Act
The 2023 Annual General Meeting for January - December 2022 was held on May 16, 2023 at the company's premises in Bromma.
Notice of AGM
Power of Attorney
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on the implementation of a long-term incentive program
The Board of Directors statement 19 chapter. 22 §
Proposed Articles of Association
Annual report 2022
The 2022 Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year January – December 2021 was held on May 16, 2022
In order to reduce the spread of the virus causing COVID-19, the Annual General Meeting was held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties. The shareholders was given the opportunity to vote by mail prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Notice of AGM
Notice of attending and form of mail voting
Power of Attorney
Annual report 2021
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on the implementation of a long-term incentive program
Extraordinary General Meeting was held on Thuesday May 3, 2022
In order to reduce the spread of the virus causing COVID-19, the Board of Directors decided that the Extraordinary General Meeting shall was held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties. The shareholders was given the opportunity to vote by mail prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Notice of EGM
Notice of attending and form of mail voting
Power of Attorney
In order to reduce the spread of the virus causing COVID-19, the Annual General Meeting was held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties. The shareholders was given the opportunity to vote by mail prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Notice of AGM
Notice of attendance and form of mail voting
Power of attorney
Annual report July 2019 - December 2020
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on the implementation of a long-term incentive program hedging arrangements in respect of the program (item 14)
Extraordinary General Meeting was held on December 1, 2020
In order to reduce the spread of the virus causing COVID-19, the Board of Directors decided that the Extraordinary General Meeting shall was held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties. The shareholders was given the opportunity to vote by mail prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Notice of EGM
Notice of attendance and form of mail voting
Power of attorney
Auditor´s statement persuant to Chapter 13 Section 6 § ABL
Auditor´s statement persuant to Chapter 14 Section 8 § ABL
Auditor´s statement persuant to Chapter 18 Section 6 § ABL
Extraordinary General Meeting was held in Bromma, Sweden on April 28, 2020
Notice of EGM
Proxy Form Extra General Meeting
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on amendments to the articles of association (item 7)
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on authorisation for the Board of Directors to issue convertibles (item 8)
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on the implementation of a long-term incentive program hedging arrangements in respect of the program (item 9)
Annual General Meeting for the abbreviated fiscal year January - June 2019 was held in Bromma, Sweden on October 30, 2019
Notice of AGM
Proxy Form Annual General Meeting 2019
Proposed Articles of Association
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on conversion of the Company´s financial year
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on principles for remuneration of senior executives
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on payment of a waiver fee to the purchaser of the Companys OTC-business
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution regarding authorisation for the Board of Directors to issue shares
The Board of Directors proposal for resolution on automatic redemption procedure
The Nomination Committees proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee and its work
The Nomination Committees proposal for decisions of the Annual General Meeting 2019
The Nomination Committees motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board of Directors ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2019
Annual Report for the abbreviated fiscal year January - June 2019
Annual General Meeting for January - December 2018 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 15, 2019
Notice of AGM
The Nomination Committee´s proposed decisions
The Nomination Committee´s proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee´s motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board
Power of attorney
Extraordinary General Meeting 2019 was held in Bromma, Sweden on March 15, 2019
Notice of EGM
Power of attorney
The Board of Director´s proposals of resolutions in connection to a proposed divestment of the Company´s OTC-business
Proposed new articles of association
Annual General Meeting 2018 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 15, 2018
Notice of AGM
Annual Report 2017
The Nomination Committee´s motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board
The Nomination Committee´s proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee´s proposed dicisions
Auditor´s report regarding remuneration to Group Executive Managent
Board of directors statement 19_22 Swedish Companies Act.
Proposed new articles of association
Annual General Meeting 2017 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 16, 2017.
Notice of AGM
Annual Report 2016
The Nomination Committee's motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board
The Nomination Committee´s proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee's proposed decisions
Auditor´s report regarding remuneration to Group Executive Management
Annual General Meeting 2016 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 18, 2016.
Notice of AGM
Annual Report 2015
The Nomination Committee's motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board
The Nomination Committee´s proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee's proposed decisions
Annual General Meeting 2015 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 11, 2015.
Notice of AGM
Annual Report 2014
The Nomination Committees proposal for principles for establishing the Nomination Committee
and its work
The Nomination Committee’s motivated opinion regarding the proposal of Board
of Directors ahead of the Annual Genereal Meeting the 11th May, 2015
The Nomination Committees proposed decisions
Auditor´s report regarding remuneration to Group Executive Management
Annual General Meeting 2014 was held in Bromma, Sweden on May 13, 2014.
Notice of AGM
Annual General Meeting 2013
The AGM was held in Bromma, Sweden on April 23, 2013.
EGM November 19th 2012
Notice of EGM
Annual General Meeting 2012
Notice of Annual General Meeting
(All documents below are only avaliable in Swedish)
Annual General Meeting 2011
The AGM was held in Bromma, Sweden on April 18th 2011.
Notice of AGM
Annual General Meeting 2010
The AGM was held in Solna, Sweden on April 22nd 2010.
Notice of AGM
EGM September 3rd 2010
Notice of EGM
EGM November 4th 2010
Notice of EGM